Sending Stuff from One 7-11 to Another All-Around Taiwan

Did the one-night stand you’d rather forget leave his/her charger in your room last night? Or is the parcel you just received from Shoppee not as advertised? Instead of queuing at the post office during working hours or making a shameful trek to the yellow line and having that awkward, “Wanna do it again?” “No, thanks! Here’s your charger! Bye!” chat in person, you can just send whatever you’ve got to a 7-11 near them. 

First of all, if you don’t have the 7-11 OpenPoints app, you can download it on Google Play here or on the App Store here and register for it using the steps described here.

You don’t have to buy a special bag or anything, just wrap it in a paper bag or reuse a box. You’ll need the recipient’s name, phone number and the name or number of the 7-11 of their choice, along with NT$60 for goods worth NT$0-1000, or slightly more for more expensive items (see below).

Step 1: Open the app:

Step 2: Click the Ibon icon:

Step 3: Click 「寄件」 (send stuff):

Step 4: Select what kind of parcel you’re sending, for most people this will be 「常溫寄件」 (send an item at room temperature), although there are options for chilled parcels (「冷凍寄件」), and if you’re using an app to sell, there’s an option for entering a code 「代碼寄件」:

Step 5: Next fill in your name (寄件人/sender) and phone number and then scroll down to select the value of your parcel. The price rates are as below:

Left column is parcel value and right column is shipping fee chargeable at 7-11

Step 6: Next, you fill in the recipient’s name (收件人) and phone number and then choose the 7-11 you want the item delivered to using the pop out button 「選擇取貨門市」 (choose store the parcel will be withdrawn from):

Step 7: Select the 7-11 you want to send it to. It goes from largest to smallest, first city/county, then district/township then road:

The other option is to enter the store name or the store number on the other tabs. When you find the store you want, click 「確定門市」(confirm store):

Step 8: Next there is a notice, letting you know that there will be an ID check when the parcel is withdrawn from the 7-11 (so make sure the name you filled in Step 6 is accurate and not “Spinach teeth”):

Step 9: Next all the details on your selected store will be listed and you’ll need to confirm again 「確定門市」 (confirm store):

Step 10: You’ll get a pop-up, telling you that you’ve completed the process on the app:

Step 11: You’ll get a QR code, which you’ll need to scan at the ibon machine at the next step:

Step 12: Next, you have to get yourself to your nearest 7-11 and elbow a few grannies out of the way to get to the ibon machine. On the front page, you’ll need to click the following icon 「OPEN POINT APP登入」 (Login to Open Point app):

Step 13: Click 「QR Code登入」 (Login with QR Code):

Step 14: Scan the QR Code from Step 11 and click next, then you’ll be brought to the following screen:

Once you click 「下一步」 (Next), the label for your parcel will be printed out. It’s a sticker, so you can just slap it on your parcel:

Step 15: Proceed to the counter with your parcel and hold it out with wide expectant Bambi eyes. They’ll charge you according to the shipping fees listed above.

You’ll be given a receipt with the tracking number. It’s listed as 「貨態查詢代碼」 and should be one letter and 7 numbers, like E372…0. If you want to check on your parcel’s trajectory towards the person you didn’t want to meet, you can go back to the app:

Ibon > 寄件 > 貨態查詢 > then fill in your tracking number. It should show the status.