Wanted dead or alive – mysterious character 目+忽

Someone recommended Shi Zhecun (施蟄存) a writer and translator from the 新感覺派 or New Sensationalist Movement in Shanghai in the thirties and forties. I remember looking at some of these writers in a class on Modernism with Lee Ou-fan (李歐梵), and they’re quite cool for the time. While reading I came across a character as shown in blue below:


I’ve tried looking it up and typing it to no avail – I assume it is pronounced hu1 ㄏㄨ and means more or less the same as 覺 as in 「睡個大覺的」 but would be interested if anyone can find any more definitive information on the character. I couldn’t find it in the Ministry of Education dictionary of variants (which is incidentally a very cool resource to play around with). This is a simplified Chinese text, so not sure if I’m missing something obvious.

I also annoyed my colleagues today by asking them to try and identify different traditional characters from their simplified versions. Both people I asked tripped up on this one:

昼 (simplified) 晝 (traditional) zhou4 daytime

Why not try annoying your colleagues too?